Life!! How it changes in a split second

Life of a wheelchair user is same as that of any other person with just a few changes in it. I can say this because I am myself on a wheelchair and have just made a few changes in my lifestyle. Basically, I have started to live a little more healthier than I used to do before, just because I need more upper body strength then other people.
As I say this, it has not been that easy of a journey for me also. My actual journey has been a lot difficult with countless visits to the doctors, rehabs and home remedies or as we say in India desi nuske. I had to learn a lot of basic things like sitting straight without support, shifting on wheelchair and other day to day stuff but now I can do everything on my own. No doubt being living in a country where you can get caregiver help at very reasonable price that does not hurt your pocket.

My journey on wheelchair started approximately a year back on the intervening night of 8th and 9th of august, 2018. I was coming back home from some work with a few of my colleagues when our car hit a road divider then it over turned flew to the other side and hit another car. As in our country, the emergency response is not well established, I was dragged out my car. Thankfully as the accident took place near my home, by the time I reached the hospital my family was already there.

Being from doctor’s family and as my father started the hospital where I was taken to by the emergency respondents, we knew about the facility. My family shifted me to better hospital nearby. Where I was operated by of the finest doctors of our region. After the operation, I was diagnosed of being paraplegic ASIA A at D9-D10/ T9-T10 level. After my operation I was putted on a ventilator for a day just as a precaution due to the fact that I was having a fracture in my collar bone due to which I was having a little breathing problem.

I was discharged from the hospital a few days later and was on bed for a few months, as here there is very little knowledge about the need of rehabilitation. Like even though I knew about the severity of my injury still I thought that with the help of rehab I would start doing everything like used to do before not with a twist. I still remember when I was talking to one of my friends, they said why are you going to a rehab you are not addicted to something!!!

Fortunately, for me I live in a city which is having very good medical institutions and a very good rehab center specifically for the spinal cord injured persons. When I joined the center, I could not even sit properly and even after wearing brace I needed some support to sit else I would fall back words. It took me around 15 days to 1 month just to be able to sit without the need of having somebodies support to sit.

And now I am have started to take control of my life back. Now I am back to my old self just with a slight twist we can say. I have started going out like I used to. I party, chill with friends, go to work etc.

I would not say that there won’t be days where you will lose hope and get depressed of what has happened. This is the point where you have to pick yourself. I am fortunate to have had very huge support from my family, my sisters in laws, my friends and a very special person.

I have been through a quite few lows but my four main pillars which have gotten me over those would be my parents, my sister, my niece and my special person my better-half.

Everybody says that when a thing like this happens to you the first-person to leave would be your girlfriend but not this girl, she has been by my side from the day one to this day and our love & respect for each other has only grown. Through this I would just like tell you that I love you a lot, I don’t know if I would be able to reciprocate this much back to you or not.

Now what should I say for a person who has been with you from the day you have been born, she is just like my second mom of course the first you all know who it is. Thanks, supporting me and still not giving up on me, also giving me my third pillar. The third one my niece, she is one person who can make me smile anytime. She is the apple of my eye. I am just amazed to see the kind love and understanding she gives to me given she is just 5 years old.

Now what can a person say for his/her parents, I mean how can person love another person so selflessly it’s just amazing.

Now there are few more people who I would like thank would be my brother in law and his family, I mean the kind of support he has given me and my family is just amazing. From being the first respondent from my family till this day he has been there and did everything what an elder brother or parents would do.

I guess for my first time I have written a lot and trust me when I say a lot because for this is also very big thing.

In the end I would just like to say that to reach here the foremost thing required is to stay positive and try to push yourself a little more.

As someone close to me rightly said:

Strength is a choice, Happiness is a choice, Love is a Choice but Life is given to live it but how you live it is a choice. While Happiness is being happy for yourself with the choices you made and being kinder to yourself, trust and respect yourself!!


  1. so positiveπŸ’•πŸ’• God bless you
    always live in high spiritπŸ’ͺ

  2. so rightly said....True Happiness is being happy with yourself and with your choices. Choices is what you make, situations are indeed tough but we need you come at peace with them.

  3. Keep sharing and stay positive always. All the best.

  4. Super inspiring blog needs courage and super inner strength to share one's turmoil.Keep sharing and always be the positive person you are.

  5. You are an inspiration & motivation for many .. keep Going with the same attitude creating a lot of difference in life you will always come out as a warrior because you are growing courageously through what you are going through..
    Personally you & Your sister are a big motivation and inspiration in many lives.��
    Keep writing & motivating ��

  6. You all proved the fact that your body can stand anything if u can convince your mind.
    Keep going warrior.��

  7. I feel you !!!
    God Bless You and give you strength...
    Loads of Love πŸ’–

  8. Well written πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
    Very inspiring πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  9. Well written ��������
    Inspiring ��������

  10. You are the most positive person I have ever met in my life. The way you stay positive, hopeful and happy, you give strength to deal with the our life's blues. It's great that you shared your heart out so beautifully, it will help others in many ways,

  11. Nothing can match your Courage to fight back.. Keep Moving Ahead..
    SuperHero Akshay

  12. “Keep writing brother , wish your writing gives you and other who are suffering the strength to fight and win ..... cause I believe any kind of injury worst effects the brain and hence the emotions more than the physical aspect of it”

  13. Very well up the written.Keep up worthe good work.


  14. Akshay, thank you for sharing your journey. Your optimism and persistence are truly inspiring. Your strength and dedication will carry you far!

  15. Akshay, you have phenomenal courage! By sharing your experience, you are affirming the experience of others who are going through similar challenges. Additionally, you are educating everyone else to erase the stigma around disability. Great work!

  16. Inspiring choose to look at the brighter side of life...stay positive's just a bad day , not a bad life...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Great writing, very dil se stuff. Good to see you emerging stronger from a very difficult experience and sharing your positivity with the world! Keep fighting the good fight, we're rooting for you!

  19. Dear Akshay.. Your writing is so heartwarming.. Keep spreading the positivity n love which encourages each one of us.. You are a true example of phenomenal courage even after such bad experience in life teaching us how a fraction of second can change ur life. Keep writing n spreading ur love n positivity with others.. God bless you..

  20. Hey Akshay. The kind of love that you have written about is something that can only be created, and can never be found just like that. I wish you keep creating it every day with your undying resilience and bravery. Recover fast. All the best!

  21. More power to you akshay. You have a winner's attitude. ����

  22. Keep ur will power strong n u can achieve anything... God bless u with good health n success.. Stay positive..

  23. Keep spreading the positivity akshay!
    Our comments won't justify as much as your real bravery in reality does! But still kudos to your spirit!You're massively spreading positivity... you have no idea that how your write-ups and you've become an inspiration for all of us! Fighters don't give up, they just don't give a damn!You're absoluletly an instance maye! Keep up the great work! We're literally waiting for your next move :)

  24. Keep spreading the positivity akshay!
    Our comments won't justify as much as your real bravery in reality does! But still kudos to your spirit!You're massively spreading positivity... you have no idea that how your write-ups and you've become an inspiration for all of us! Fighters don't give up, they just don't give a damn!You're absoluletly an instance maye! Keep up the great work! We're literally waiting for your next move :)

  25. You are an inspiration for others.Always stay blessed.

  26. "God also helps those who help themselves" "So beleive in god,he will always do the right.

  27. Best of luck chachu .
    We love you.
    Ira and Namish

  28. Life is really very uncertain. Everything can happen within the blinking of an eye. But we all should except the bad and good. All happen with the reason that is ultimately our fate and all is well. Nowadays there are many aids to help the disabled people to live a comfortable life such as Assist-A-Tray which is very helpful.
